Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newest Computer Controller:Your Eyes

Tobii's eye-tracking tech, which allows users to control certain computer functions just by looking at points on the screen, will have some obvious specialized applications, say for people who have difficulty using their hands. However, "Tobii's ambition is to bring eye tracking and eye control to regular consumer computers and computer screens," said spokesperson Sara Hyleen. "Over time, we anticipate it to be something that most consumers will want to have."

Is this the next generation of the mouse? I am not sure if i like this concept. What do you think?


  1. This sounds amazing. I've heard about it actually.

  2. I like using my hands, I don't want to use my hands.

  3. Pretty neat concept but I can't really see this catching on.

  4. Hand-eye coordination? How about hand-mouse coordination? Imho this would be bad for computer fps games.

  5. Seen this on tv a few days ago, its gonna be awesome !

  6. I really prefer the mouse but for people who doesn't have hands or some horrible diseases this would be a nice solution.

  7. Dude your layout is like impossible to read D: But yeah idk how I feel about that

  8. This is incredible, I can't imagine what it would be like to use. Crazy!
